Consolidated financial statements Other disclosures
This section provides a general understanding of the preparation and consolidation principles as well as an overview of the use of accounting estimates. In addition, it details any events occurring between the balance sheet date and the date at which the financial statements are approved by the BoD.
The parent company of the Group is dormakaba Holding AG, a company limited by shares that is incorporated and domiciled in Rümlang (Switzerland). The address of its registered office is Hofwisenstrasse 24, 8153 Rümlang, Switzerland. The company is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange.
These consolidated financial statements were approved for issue by the BoD on 25 August 2022 and will be presented for approval by the AGM on 11 October 2022.
The consolidated financial statements of dormakaba Group comply with Swiss law and have been prepared using the historical cost principle, except where disclosed in the accounting policies below, and in accordance with Swiss GAAP FER as a whole (GAAP = Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, FER = Fachempfehlung zur Rechnungslegung or “accounting and reporting recommendations”). Furthermore, the accounting complies with the provisions of the Listing Rules of SIX and Swiss company law. The accounting policies have been applied consistently by Group companies. No changes to the Swiss GAAP FER requirements were announced or released in the year under review.
The consolidated financial statements are presented in Swiss francs (CHF), which is dormakaba Group’s presentation currency. Items included in the financial statements of each dormakaba Group company are measured using the currency of the primary economic environment in which that company operates (the “functional currency”).
Foreign currency transactions are converted into the functional currency of the appropriate entity using the exchange rates prevailing as at the dates of the transactions. Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions and from the translation of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at year-end exchange rates are recognized in the income statement.
The assets and liabilities of subsidiaries reporting in currencies other than Swiss francs are translated at the exchange rates prevailing as at the balance sheet date. Income, expenses, cash flows, and other movement items are translated at average exchange rates for the period. All resulting exchange differences are recognized in equity. Upon consolidation, exchange differences arising from the translation of the net investment in foreign companies and from borrowings and other currency instruments designated as hedges of such investments are taken to equity. When a foreign operation is sold, exchange differences that were recorded in equity are recycled to the income statement as part of the gain or loss on the sale.
The consolidated financial statements of dormakaba Group include the operations of dormakaba Holding AG and all direct and indirect subsidiaries. The Group controls an entity when the Group is exposed to, or has rights to, variable returns from its involvement with the entity and it has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the entity. The consolidated accounts are based on the annual financial statements of the individual subsidiaries. All companies follow the uniform measurement and reporting practices prescribed by the Group. In applying the full consolidation method, the assets, liabilities, income, and expenses of all subsidiaries are included in their entirety. Minority interests in equity and profit are disclosed separately. Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date when control is acquired. The identifiable assets and liabilities are revalued and included according to the acquisition method. Any difference between the cost of acquisition and the fair value of the Group’s share of net assets acquired constitutes goodwill. Subsidiaries sold are excluded from consolidation as of the date when control ceases. All intercompany balances, transactions, and intercompany profits are eliminated upon consolidation. Investments in associates and joint ventures where dormakaba Group exercises significant influence but does not exercise control (i.e. usually an interest between 20% and 50%) are accounted for using the equity method of accounting. Under the equity method, investments in associated companies and joint ventures are initially recognized at cost, and the carrying amount is increased or decreased to recognize dormakaba Group’s share of the profit or loss of the associate/joint venture after the date of acquisition. Profit and loss are attributed to the owners of the parent and to the minority interests, even if this results in a negative balance. Investments in which dormakaba Group does not have significant influence (i.e. dormakaba Group’s interest is usually less than 20%) are recorded at cost.
Companies established or acquired or those in which the Group increases its interest and thereby obtains control during the year are consolidated as of the date of establishment or the date when control commences. Companies are deconsolidated as of the date that control effectively ceases upon disposal or a reduction in ownership interest. This rule is applied similarly to investments in associates.
In the event that shares of a Group company or associated company are sold, the difference between the proceeds from the sale and the proportional book value of the net assets, including historical goodwill, is recognized as a gain or loss in the income statement.
The Group treats transactions with minority interests that do not result in a loss of control as transactions with the equity owners of the Group. A change in ownership interest results in an adjustment between the carrying amounts of the controlling interests and minority interests to reflect their relative interests in the subsidiary.
The preparation of financial statements in accordance with Swiss GAAP FER requires the use of estimates and assumptions, which have an effect on the reported value of assets and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported value of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Although these estimates are based on Management’s best knowledge of current events as well as actions that dormakaba Group may undertake in the future, the actual results may differ from the estimates.
The most important accounting estimates are described in a blue box at the end of the note to which they relate as per the following table:
Use of accounting estimates |
Note |
Deferred income taxes |
1.5 |
Provisions |
2.4 |
Testing goodwill and assets for impairment |
2.3, 5.1 |
Accrued pension costs and benefits |
2.5 |
In accordance with Swiss GAAP FER, assets are subject to an impairment test based on indicators reflecting a possible impairment of the individual assets. Therefore, the following accounting estimates apply to all assets in general.
For the purpose of testing impairment, goodwill and assets are grouped in cash-generating units for which cash flows are separately identifiable. The Group estimates the recoverable amount of those cash-generating units, which generally represent their value in use. Value in use is assessed using the discounted cash flow method. The estimates used in these calculations are based on updated budgets and medium-term plans covering a period of three years. Cash flows beyond the projection period are extrapolated in perpetuity.
When the carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount, an impairment loss is recognized separately in the income statement. The recoverable amount is the higher of fair value less cost of disposal and value in use.
Some of the key figures used by dormakaba to measure the financial performance are not defined by Swiss GAAP FER. The comparability of these figures with those of other companies might be limited. Explanations and reconciliations of these APMs are disclosed below.
Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) corresponds to the operating result (EBIT) before depreciation and amortization. By adjusting EBITDA and EBIT for items affecting comparability (IAC), transparency is further increased and the comparability of the Groupʼs operational performance on a period-to-period basis is improved.
IACs are defined as significant costs and income which, because of their exceptional nature, cannot be viewed as inherent to the Groupʼs underlying performance. The content of these items excluded is summarized in the table below and the reconciliation with EBIT defined by Swiss GAAP FER is disclosed in segment reporting:
CHF million |
Financial year ended 30.06.2022 |
Financial year ended 30.06.2021 |
Items affecting comparability (IAC) |
88.6 |
9.3 |
Reorganization and restructuring expenses |
32.1 |
14.4 |
(Gain) Loss on divestment of businesses |
55.2 |
0.3 |
Other exceptional items |
1.3 |
–5.4 |
Reorganization and restructuring comprise expenses in relation to dormakabaʼs new strategy Shape4Growth, which will change the operating model of dormakaba, and consequently the organizational setup as well as the financial reporting. Strategic IT harmonization projects that are closely related to the execution of Shape4Growth such as ERP harmonization and accelerated IT infrastructure optimization, including state-of-the-art business continuity management across applications and processes, are also included.
In the first half of financial year 2021/22, dormakaba divested its interior glass systems business (IGS). In the second half-year, dormakaba divested its hollow metal doors business (Mesker). Details on the divestments are disclosed in chapter business combinations and divestments (4.3).
Other exceptional items comprise revaluation gains or losses, significant gains on sale of property, plant, and equipment, as well as other significant items that cannot be viewed as inherent to the Groupʼs underlying performance.
Capital expenditure (Capex) consists of the additions in property, plant, and equipment and the additions of intangible assets.
CHF million |
Financial year ended 30.06.2022 |
Financial year ended 30.06.2021 |
Capital expenditure |
78.5 |
76.1 |
Additions of property, plant, and equipment |
52.7 |
46.6 |
Additions of intangible assets |
25.8 |
29.5 |
Free cash flow consists of cash flow from operating activities together with cash flow from investing activities. Free cash flow before acquisitions/divestments excludes the cash effective movements arising from acquisitions/divestments.
CHF million |
Financial year ended 30.06.2022 |
Financial year ended 30.06.2021 |
Free cash flow before acquisitions/divestments |
51.2 |
239.5 |
Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired |
–92.1 |
–18.6 |
Sale of subsidiaries, net of cash sold |
9.3 |
–0.9 |
Acquisition of associates and joint ventures |
0.0 |
–2.0 |
Free cash flow |
–31.6 |
218.0 |
Net cash from operating activities |
127.3 |
313.5 |
Net cash used in investing activities |
–158.9 |
–95.5 |
Net working capital is used by the Group to measure the efficiency of the segment in managing financial resources and complements the Group’s performance management. dormakaba defines net working capital as trade receivables plus inventories, minus the sum of trade payables, advances from customers, and deferred income.
CHF million |
Note |
Financial year ended 30.06.2022 |
Financial year ended 30.06.2021 |
Net working capital |
751.3 |
641.6 |
Trade receivables |
2.1 |
482.8 |
424.5 |
Inventories |
2.2 |
537.0 |
450.6 |
Trade payables |
–178.7 |
–169.1 |
Advances from customers |
–50.5 |
–30.6 |
Deferred income |
–39.3 |
–33.8 |
Operating cash flow margin is calculated as the ratio of net cash from operating activities to net sales.
CHF million |
Note |
Financial year ended 30.06.2022 |
Financial year ended 30.06.2021 |
Operating cash flow margin |
4.6% |
12.5% |
Net sales |
1.2 |
2,756.9 |
2,499.7 |
Net cash from operating activities |
127.3 |
313.5 |
Organic growth in sales refers to the growth compared to the same period of the previous year adjusted for the impacts from currency translation as well as impacts from acquisition and divestment.
EBIT divided by capital employed (CE) results in ROCE. dormakaba bases the calculation on a 12-month rolling EBIT, adjusted for items affecting comparability (IAC). CE equals the sum of net working capital, property, plant, and equipment, and intangible assets. For the calculation, the average of the last three published balance sheet information is considered (30 June 2022, 31 December 2021, and 30 June 2021). For the previous year comparison, the same principles were applied.
CHF million |
Note |
Financial year ended 30.06.2022 |
Financial year ended 30.06.2021 |
ROCE (Return on capital employed) |
24.4% |
24.9% |
Adjusted EBIT |
293.4 |
283.6 |
Average CE (Capital employed) |
1,201.9 |
1,139.9 |
Average net working capital |
5.1 |
692.6 |
618.7 |
Average property, plant, and equipment |
421.0 |
435.5 |
Average intangible assets |
88.3 |
85.7 |
On 1 August 2022, dormakaba acquired Alldoorco based in Nijkerk (Netherlands). Alldoorco is a well-known company specializing in the maintenance, repair, and new installation of industrial door systems. With its high level of technical expertise in door solution services, the company is an ideal complement to dormakaba’s existing offering in the Dutch market.
List of substantial Group and associated companies |
Share capital in local currency (000) |
Voting rights in % |
Group companies with shareholdings |
dormakaba Holding AG, Rümlang/CH |
420.0 |
Publicly Listed Company |
dormakaba Holding GmbH + Co. KGaA, Ennepetal/DE |
27,642.1 |
52.5 |
dormakaba Holding AG |
47.5 |
Familie Mankel Industriebeteiligung GmbH + Co. KGaA |
dormakaba Beteiligungs-GmbH, Ennepetal/DE |
1,000.0 |
52.5 |
dormakaba Holding AG |
All of the following companies are held directly or indirectly by dormakaba Holding GmbH + Co. KGaA. The voting rights listed for these companies represent the voting rights of this sub-holding. dormakaba shareholders ultimately benefit from the 52.5% share of the cash flows generated by these entities. |
dormakaba International Holding AG, Rümlang/CH |
101.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Holding GmbH + Co. KGaA |
ADUK Products Ltd., Nuneaton/GB |
0.1 |
100 |
dormakaba UK Holding Limited |
Advanced Diagnostics Ltd., Nuneaton/GB |
0.1 |
100 |
ADUK Products Ltd. |
Aluminium Services Inc., Randolph/US |
30.0 |
100 |
dormakaba USA Inc. |
Alvarado Manufacturing Co. Inc., Chino/US |
100.0 |
100 |
dormakaba U.S. Holding Ltd. |
any2any GmbH, Munich/DE |
35.9 |
26 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
Atimo Personeelstechniek B.V., Utrecht/NL |
72.9 |
100 |
AtiQx Holding B.V. |
AtiQx Holding B.V., Utrecht/NL |
201.5 |
100 |
dormakaba Nederland B.V. |
ATM-Türautomatik GmbH, Gleisdorf/AT |
35.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Austria GmbH |
AXE S.A.S., Créteil/FR |
38.1 |
100 |
dormakaba France S.A.S. |
Best Doors Australia Pty. Ltd., Hallam/AU |
5,565.7 |
100 |
dormakaba Holding Australia Pty. Ltd. |
Best Doors Victoria Pty. Ltd., Hallam/AU |
0.0 |
100 |
Best Doors Australia Pty. Ltd. |
Corporación Cerrajera Alba, S.A. de C.V., Edo. de México/MX |
202,059.4 |
100 |
dormakaba Canada Inc. |
Danmar Australia Pty. Ltd., Hallam/AU |
0.1 |
100 |
Reliance Doors Pty. Ltd. |
Dörken + Mankel Verwaltungs-Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung, Ennepetal/DE |
30.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Holding GmbH + Co. KGaA |
DORMA Arabia Automatic Doors Company Ltd., Dammam/SA |
10.0 |
95 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
5 |
DORMA Produktion International GmbH |
DORMA Ghana Limited, Accra/GH |
1,850.0 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
DORMA HUEPPE Pty. Ltd., Regents Park/AU |
5,374.4 |
100 |
dormakaba Holding Australia Pty. Ltd. |
DORMA Hüppe Asia Sdn. Bhd., Senai, Johor/MY |
2,510.0 |
100 |
DORMA Hüppe Raumtrennsysteme GmbH |
DORMA Hüppe Austria GmbH, Linz/AT |
146.0 |
100 |
DORMA Hüppe Raumtrennsysteme GmbH |
DORMA Hüppe S.A., Brugge/BE |
3,300.0 |
100 |
DORMA Hüppe Raumtrennsysteme GmbH |
dormakaba Ireland Limited, Kildare/IE |
1,500.0 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
DORMA Hüppe Raumtrennsysteme GmbH, Westerstede/DE |
3,000.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Holding GmbH + Co. KGaA |
DORMA Produktion International GmbH, Ennepetal/DE |
60.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Deutschland GmbH |
dormakaba UK Limited., Hitchin/GB |
250.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Nederland B.V. |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH, Ennepetal/DE |
110.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Holding GmbH + Co. KGaA |
dormakaba (China) Technologies Ltd., Shenzhen/CN |
69,500.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Hong Kong Limited |
dormakaba (Thailand) Ltd., Bangkok/TH |
13,490.0 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
dormakaba Access Indonesia, PT, Jakarta/IN |
2,555,199.5 |
90 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
10 |
DORMA Produktion International GmbH |
dormakaba Access Solutions LLC, Doha/QA |
200.0 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
dormakaba Access Solutions (China) Ltd./Shanghai/CN |
3,000.0 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
dormakaba Australia Pty. Ltd., Hallam/AU |
10.7 |
100 |
dormakaba Holding Australia Pty. Ltd. |
dormakaba Austria GmbH, Herzogenburg/AT |
1,460.0 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding AG |
dormakaba Belgium N.V., Bruges/BE |
2,416.3 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding AG |
dormakaba Brasil Soluções de Acesso Ltda., São Paulo/BR |
35,160.7 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding AG |
dormakaba Bulgaria Ltd., Sofia/BG |
1,314.1 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
dormakaba Canada Inc., Montreal/CA |
1.0 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding AG |
dormakaba Cesko s.r.o., Praha/CZ |
100.0 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
dormakaba China Ltd, Suzhou/CN |
127,759.1 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
dormakaba Danmark A/S, Albertslund/DK |
696.0 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding AG |
dormakaba Deutschland GmbH, Ennepetal/DE |
126,780.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Holding GmbH + Co. KGaA |
4,474.3 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
dormakaba EAD GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen/DE |
819.1 |
100 |
dormakaba Holding GmbH + Co. KGaA |
dormakaba España S.A.U., Madrid/ES |
600.0 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding AG |
dormakaba Eurasia LLC, Moscow/RU |
213,000.0 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
dormakaba Finance AG, Rümlang/CH |
100.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Holding GmbH + Co. KGaA |
dormakaba Services B.V., Dodewaard/NL |
100.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Nederland B.V. |
dormakaba Finance GmbH, Ennepetal/DE |
25.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Holding GmbH + Co. KGaA |
dormakaba France S.A.S., Créteil/FR |
5,617.2 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding AG |
dormakaba Gulf FZE, Dubai/AE |
9,524.9 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
dormakaba Holding Australia Pty. Ltd., Hallam/AU |
910.7 |
100 |
dormakaba Singapore Pte. Ltd. |
dormakaba Hong Kong Limited, Hong Kong/HK |
100.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Nederland B.V. |
dormakaba Hrvatska d.o.o., Zagreb/HR |
5,650.0 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
dormakaba Immobilien GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen/DE |
50.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Holding GmbH + Co. KGaA |
dormakaba India Private Limited, Chennai/IN |
1,147,197.3 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
dormakaba Italia Srl., Milano/IT |
260.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Schweiz AG |
dormakaba Japan Co. Ltd., Tokyo/JP |
120,000.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Schweiz AG |
dormakaba Kapi Ve Güvenlik Sistemleri Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S., Istanbul/TR |
3,750.0 |
99 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
1 |
dormakaba Deutschland GmbH |
dormakaba Kenya Limited, Nairobi/KE |
40,000.0 |
99 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
1 |
dormakaba Deutschland GmbH |
dormakaba Korea Inc., Seoul/KR |
150,000.0 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
dormakaba Kuwait for Ready Made Windows LLC, Kuwait City/KW |
10.0 |
49 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
51 |
dormakaba Middle East SPV Ltd. |
dormakaba Luxembourg S.A., Wecker/LU |
300.0 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding AG |
dormakaba Magyarorszàg Zrt., Budapest/HU |
251,000.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Holding GmbH + Co. KGaA |
dormakaba Malaysia SDN BHD, Selangor/MY |
800.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Nederland B.V. |
dormakaba Maroc SARL, Casablanca/MA |
2,000.0 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
dormakaba México, S. de R.L. de C.V., Mexico City/MX |
3.0 |
96.6 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
3.4 |
dormakaba Deutschland GmbH |
dormakaba Middle East (LLC), Dubai/AE |
7,700.0 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
dormakaba Middle East SPV Limited, Abu Dhabi/AE |
N/A |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding AG |
dormakaba Nederland B.V., Dodewaard/NL |
11.7 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
dormakaba New Zealand Limited, Auckland/NZ |
384.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Nederland B.V. |
dormakaba Norge A/S, Drammen/NO |
1,783.5 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding AG |
dormakaba Philippines Inc., Makati City/PH |
18,000.0 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
dormakaba Polska sp.z.o.o., Konstancin-Jeziorna/PL |
10,000.0 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding AG |
dormakaba Portugal, Unipessoal Lda., Lisbon/PT |
50.0 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
dormakaba Production GmbH + Co. Kommanditgesellschaft, Ennepetal/DE, Singapore/SGP |
2,560.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Deutschland GmbH |
dormakaba Production GmbH, Ennepetal/DE |
50.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Deutschland GmbH |
dormakaba Production Malaysia SDN. BHD., Melaka/MY |
5,000.0 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
dormakaba Romania S.R.L., Bucharest/RO |
4,705.8 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
dormakaba Schweiz AG, Wetzikon/CH |
6,800.0 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding AG |
dormakaba Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore/SGP |
13,300.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Production GmbH + Co. KG |
dormakaba Slovensko s.r.o, Bratislava/SK |
6.6 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
dormakaba South Africa (Pty.) Ltd., Johannesburg/ZA |
1.0 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
dormakaba Suomi Oy, Helsinki/FI |
67.3 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
dormakaba Sverige AB, Västra Frölunda/SE |
500.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Nederland B.V. |
dormakaba Ukraine LLC, Kiev/UA |
250.0 |
99 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
1 |
dormakaba Deutschland GmbH |
dormakaba Uruguay S.A, Montevideo/UY |
10.8 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
dormakaba U.S. Holding Ltd., Wilmington/US |
235,000.0 |
59.52 |
dormakaba Schweiz AG |
17 |
dormakaba Nederland B.V. |
23.48 |
dormakaba International Holding AG |
dormakaba USA Inc., Wilmington/US |
1.0 |
100 |
dormakaba U.S. Holding Ltd. |
dormakaba Workforce Solutions LLC, Wilmington/US |
19.7 |
100 |
dormakaba U.S. Holding Ltd. |
Eminence S.A.S., Guitrancourt/FR |
5,866.0 |
100 |
dormakaba France S.A.S. |
E Plus Building Products Pty. Ltd., Hallam/AU |
0.2 |
100 |
E Plus Nominees Pty. Ltd. |
Ezi Roll Doors Australia Pty. Ltd., Hallam/AU |
7,500.0 |
100 |
Best Doors Australia Pty. Ltd. |
Farpointe Data Inc., San Jose/US |
1,701.7 |
100 |
dormakaba USA Inc. |
Fermatic S.A.S., Guitrancourt/FR |
260.0 |
100 |
Eminence S.A.S. |
Fermatic AFH S.A.S., Octeville-sur-Mer/FR |
12.5 |
100 |
Eminence S.A.S. |
Fermatic Agence Normandie S.A.S., Saint-Jacques-sur-Darnétal/FR |
350.0 |
100 |
Eminence S.A.S. |
Fermatic Fresnais S.A.S., Les Torches/FR |
32.0 |
100 |
Eminence S.A.S. |
Fermetures GROOM S.A.S., Javené/FR |
1,500.0 |
100 |
dormakaba France S.A.S. |
Forponto Informática S.A., São Paulo/BR |
10.0 |
100 |
Task Sistemas de Computação S.A. |
Gliderol International Pty. Ltd., Hallam/AU |
5.0 |
100 |
Reliance Doors Pty. Ltd. |
Gonen Automation Services B.V., Dordrecht/NL |
18.2 |
100 |
AtiQx Holding B.V. |
Grupo Klaus S.A.C., Lima/PE |
11,516.2 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding AG |
H. Cillekens & ZN BV, Roermond/NL |
15.9 |
100 |
dormakaba Nederland B.V. |
Jaqmar Pty. Ltd., Hallam/AU |
6,195.1 |
100 |
Best Doors Australia Pty. Ltd. |
Kaba do Brasil Ltda., São Paulo/BR |
32,051.2 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding AG |
dormakaba UK Holding Limited, Hitchin/GB |
173.0 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding AG |
Kaba Holding AG, Rümlang/CH |
100.0 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding AG |
Kaba Ilco Corp., Rocky Mount/US |
56,897.6 |
100 |
dormakaba U.S. Holding Ltd. |
Kaba Jaya Security Sdn. Bhd., Selangor/MY |
350.0 |
70 |
dormakaba Schweiz AG |
30 |
dormakaba International Holding AG |
Kaba Ltd., Tiverton/GB |
6,300.0 |
100 |
dormakaba UK Holding Limited |
Kaba Mas LLC, Lexington/US |
880.7 |
100 |
dormakaba U.S. Holding Ltd. |
Kilargo Pty. Ltd., Hallam/AU |
1.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Holding Australia Pty. Ltd. |
KIWS Property LLC, Delaware/US |
N/A |
100 |
dormakaba USA Inc. |
dormakaba Trondheim A/S, Drammen/NO |
100.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Norge A/S |
Legic Identsystems AG, Wetzikon/CH |
500.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Schweiz AG |
Mauer Thüringen GmbH, Bad Berka/DE |
255.7 |
100 |
dormakaba EAD GmbH |
Minda Silca Engineering Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi/IN |
107,510.0 |
65 |
dormakaba International Holding AG |
Modernfold Inc., Greenfield/US |
0.0 |
100 |
dormakaba USA Inc. |
Modernfold of Nevada LLC., Greenfield/US |
0.0 |
100 |
Modernfold Inc. |
MultiGlazingSystems Limited, Oldbury/GB |
0.3 |
100 |
dormakaba UK Limited |
Path Line (China) Ltd., Hong Kong/HK |
113,900.0 |
100 |
Wah Yuet Hong Kong Limited |
Perfect Lease S.A.S., Guitrancourt/FR |
8.0 |
100 |
Fermatic S.A.S. |
Poksundo GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen/DE |
62.5 |
60 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
Rafi Shapira & Sons Ltd., Rishon LeZion/IL |
0.1 |
30 |
dormakaba International Holding GmbH |
Reliance Doors Pty. Ltd., Hallam/AU |
768.5 |
100 |
dormakaba Holding Australia Pty. Ltd. |
Resolute Testing Laboratories Pty. Ltd., Hallam/AU |
0.1 |
100 |
Kilargo Pty. Ltd. |
R.T.R. Services Limited, Derbyshire/GB |
6,270.0 |
100 |
dormakaba UK Limited |
Seca Solutions A/S, Sandnes/NO |
3,000.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Norge A/S |
Serrurerie Chaudronnerie Bouffier Alain et Heurtaut Jean Claude SCBH S.A.S., Freneuse/FR |
300.0 |
100 |
Eminence S.A.S. |
Silca GmbH, Velbert/DE |
358.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Holding GmbH + Co. KGaA |
Silca Key Systems S.A., Barcelona/ES |
162.3 |
100 |
dormakaba Holding GmbH + Co. KGaA |
Silca S.A.S., Porcheville/FR |
797.7 |
100 |
dormakaba France S.A.S. |
Silca S.p.A., Vittorio Veneto/IT |
10,000.0 |
97 |
dormakaba Holding GmbH + Co. KGaA |
3 |
dormakaba Schweiz AG |
Silca South America S.A., Tocancipa/CO |
4,973,013.8 |
65.92 |
dormakaba International Holding AG |
32.52 |
dormakaba Schweiz AG |
Skyfold Inc., Quebec/CA |
113,994.5 |
100 |
dormakaba Canada Inc. |
Smart Access Solutions Company Ltd., Riyadh/SA |
25.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Middle East SPV Limited |
SmartteQ B.V., Utrecht/NL |
18.0 |
100 |
AtiQx Holding B.V. |
Solus Security Systems Private Limited, Mumbai/IN |
100.0 |
100 |
dormakaba India Private Limited |
Task Sistemas de Computação S.A., Rio de Janeiro/BR |
26,438.7 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding AG |
TLHM Co. Ltd., Taiwan/TWN |
270,000.0 |
100 |
dormakaba International Holding AG |
Transquest Tag & Tracing Solutions B.V., Utrecht/NL |
18.0 |
100 |
AtiQx Holding B.V. |
WAH MEI Access Security Technology Co. LTD. Taishan/CN |
15,000.0 |
100 |
Wah Yuet Hong Kong Limited |
Wah Yuet Hong Kong Limited, Hong Kong/HK |
768,250.0 |
100 |
dormakaba Schweiz AG |
Wah Yuet (Ng’s) Overseas Co. Ltd., Tortola/VG |
13,289.0 |
100 |
Wah Yuet Hong Kong Limited |
Apart from dormakaba Holding AG in Rümlang, none of the companies in the dormakaba Group’s scope of consolidation is listed on a stock exchange. The registered shares of dormakaba Holding AG are traded on the SIX Swiss Exchange (security no./ISIN: 1179595/CH 0011795959). As at 30 June 2022, the company’s market capitalization was CHF 1,740.3 million.
This disclosure meets the requirements of the GRI standards (Disclosure 102-45).
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