BoD members
as of 30 June 2022

Riet Cadonau
BoD Chair
Swiss citizen
Master of Arts in Economics and Business Administration, University of Zurich (CH); Advanced Management Program at INSEAD (FR)
dormakaba: since 2018 Chairman of the BoD dormakaba Group1) (CH); 2015–2021 CEO and member of the EC dormakaba Group1) (CH); 2011–2015 CEO and member of the EC Kaba Group1) (CH); Ascom: 2007–2011 CEO Ascom Group1) (CH); until 2007 Managing Director Transport Revenue and SVP ACS Europe; 2001–2005 member of the Executive Board Ascom Group, from 2002 Deputy CEO and General Manager of the Transport Revenue Division, which was acquired by ACS, Inc. at the end of 2005; IBM: 1990–2001 various management positions at IBM Switzerland, lastly as a member of the Management Board and Director of IBM Global Services
External activities and interests
Since 2022 Chairman of the Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce; since 2021 (and until September 2022) member of the BoD of Logitech International S.A.1) (CH); since 2016 member of the BoD of Georg Fischer AG1) (CH); since 2013 member of the BoD of Zehnder Group1) (CH); 2006–2011 member of the BoD of Kaba Group1) and Griesser Group (CH)

Hans Hess
LID & Vice-Chair Chair Nomination and Compensation Committee Member Audit Committee
Swiss citizen
Master’s Degree in Material Science and Engineering, ETH Zurich (CH); Master of Business Administration (MBA), University of Southern California (USA); Stanford Executive Program, Stanford University (USA)
Since 2006 owner of Hanesco AG (CH); 2010–2021 President of Swissmem (CH); 2010–2020 Vice-President of economiesuisse (CH); 2006–2019 Chairman of the BoD of Burckhardt Compression Holdings AG1) (CH); 2005–2019 Chairman of the BoD of Comet Holding AG1) (CH); 1996–2005 President and CEO Leica Geosystems AG1) (CH); 1993–1996 President Leica Optronics Group (CH); 1989–1993 Vice President Leica Microscopy Group (CH); 1983–1988 Head of Polyurethane Business Unit Huber + Suhner AG1) (CH); 1981–1983 Development Engineer Sulzer1) (CH)
External activities and interests
Chairman of the BoD Reichle & De-Massari Holding AG (CH); Chairman of the BoD Synhelion SA (CH)

Thomas Aebischer
Member Audit Committee
Swiss citizen
Advanced Management Program, Harvard Business School (USA);
Trustee Exams and School for Swiss Certified Accountants, Zurich (CH)
2021–2022 Chief Financial Officer of RWDC Industries Limited (SG/ USA); 2016–2019 Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of LyondellBasell Industries1) (NL/USA); 2011–2015 Group Chief Financial Officer, member of the Executive Committee of Holcim/LafargeHolcim1)(CH); 2003–2010 Chief Financial Officer of Holcim Inc.1) (USA); 2002–2003 Chief Financial Officer of Apasco S.A. de C.V.1) (MX); 1996–2002 Head Corporate Controlling of Holcim Group Support Ltd. (CH); 1988–1996 Senior Manager of Price Waterhouse (CH/HK); 1983–1987 Cantonal Tax Authorities, Thun (CH)
External activities and interests
2022 – present Board and Audit Committee Member of Quotient Limited, Jersey, Channel Islands
2013 – 2015 Board and Audit Committee Member of Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd1) (CN); 2008 – 2010 Founding Member of the Swiss American Chamber of Commerce, Boston Chapter (USA)

Jens Birgersson
Member Audit Committee
Swedish citizen
Harvard Advanced Management Program, Harvard Business School, Boston (MA/USA); M. Sc. Engineering Physics, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (SE); B. Sc. Economics, University of Stockholm (SE)
Since 2015 President and CEO of ROCKWOOL Group1) (DK); 2008–2015 with ABB1) as Group Senior Vice President and Head of Business Unit Network Management (CH); 2005–2008 with Imerys1) as Executive Vice President and Head of Business Group Performance Minerals & Pigments (BE); 1992–2005 with ABB1) in different positions (CH, SE, ZA)
External activities and interests
Since 2018 member of the Advisory Board of NREP (DK); since 2017 Chairman of the BoD of Randers Reb (DK); since 2016 member of the Confederation of Danish Industry Council (DK); since 2015 member of the BoD of Flumroc (CH), an affiliate of ROCKWOOL Group1)

Stephanie Brecht-Bergen
Member Nomination and Compensation Committee
German citizen
Dr. rer. pol., EBS University (DE); Master of Science in General Management, EBS University (DE); MBA, Pepperdine University (CA/USA)
Since 2017 Managing Director KARL München GmbH & Co. KG (DE); since 2014 Executive Board member Mankel Family Office GmbH (DE); 2010–2013 research assistant, EBS University (DE); since 2009 shareholder dormakaba Holding GmbH + Co. KGaA (DE)
External activities and interests
Since 2008 Management Board member of the foundation “Rudolf Mankel Stiftung” (DE)

Daniel Daeniker
Chair Audit Committee
Swiss citizen
Dr. iur., University of Zurich (CH), Zurich bar; LL.M. at the Law School of the University of Chicago (IL/USA)
Since 2019 Senior Partner at Homburger AG (CH), where he became Partner in the Corporate / M&A team in 2000; lecturer in law at the University of Zurich (CH)
External activities and interests
Member of the Board of Directors of Hilti AG, Schaan (FL); President of the Donor Foundation of Avenir Suisse (CH)

John Y. Liu
Singaporean citizen
Doctor of Philosophy in Traffic Engineering & Network Management, Technical University of Denmark (DK); Master of Science in Operation Research, Technical University of Denmark (DK); Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Beijing Normal University (CN)
From October 2020 until April 2022 CEO China of Afiniti; January–June 2020 Interim CEO of Voss (USA); 2016–2018 Group Vice President, COO of Wanda Internet Technology Group (CN); 2014–2015 Chief Business Officer of Qihoo 3601) (CN); 2008–2013 Corporate Vice President and President Greater China of Google1) (USA); 2002–2007 CEO China of SK Telecom1) (KR); 2000–2001 General Manager Greater China of FreeMarkets (USA); 1999–2000 General Manager China Operations of SITA Communications (CH); 1997–1999 General Manager Telecom Division of Lion Group (MY); 1994–1997 Country Director Greater China of Singapore Telecommunications1) (SG)
External activities and interests
Since 2014 independent non-executive Director, Chairman of the Remuneration Committee of the Board of Digital China Holdings1) (HK); 2013–2020 Member of the Board of Trustees of Beijing Normal University Education Fund (CN); 2014–2018 independent non-executive Director of China Eastern Airlines1) (CN); 2014–2016 independent non-executive Director of ARM Holdings (UK); 2005–2007 independent non-executive Director of TTP Communications (UK)

Hans Gummert
Member Audit Committee
German citizen
Universities of Tübingen and Bonn (DE); attorney-at-law, admitted to the bar in 1990
Partner since 1991, Managing Partner from 2008 until 2021 of the law and tax consultancy firm Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek (DE/CH)
External activities and interests
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of dormakaba Holding GmbH + Co. KGaA (DE); Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Familie Mankel Industriebeteiligungs GmbH + Co. KGaA (DE); Chairman of the Advisory Board Coroplast Fritz Müller GmbH & Co. KG (DE); Member of the Supervisory Board of ara AG (DE); Vice Chairman of the Shareholders Committee Hoberg & Driesch Group (DE);Vice Chairman of the Advisory Board of Hoberg & Driesch Röhrenhandel GmbH & Co. KG (DE); Vice Chairman of the BoD Chiron-Werke SE (DE); Member of the Supervisory Board of WIBU Wirtschaftsbund Sozialer Einrichtungen eG (DE)

John Heppner
Member Nomination and Compensation Committee
US citizen
Bachelor of Science, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (WI/USA); MBA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (WI/USA)
2006–2013 President and CEO Fortune Brands Storage and Security (USA) with global responsibility for Master Lock Company LLC and Waterloo Industries; 2000–2006 Chief Operating Officer Master Lock Company LLC (USA); 1998–2000 Executive Vice President Sales + Marketing Master Lock Company LLC (USA); 1996–1998 Marketing + New Business Master Lock Company (USA); 1992–1996 Vice President Logistics and Corporate Controller Master Lock Company LLC (USA)
External activities and interests
Member of the National Association of Corporate Directors (USA); member of the Advisory Board of University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Business School (USA)

Christine Mankel
German citizen
Diplomkauffrau, EBS University (DE)
Since 2014 Management Board member of Mankel Family Office GmbH (DE); since 2009 shareholder of dormakaba Holding GmbH + Co. KGaA (DE); 2006–2009 audit assistant, BDO AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (DE)
External activities and interests
Since 2008 Management Board member of the foundation “Rudolf Mankel Stiftung” (DE)
- listed company