Executive Committee (EC)
5 min.Management philosophy
dormakaba acts through customer-centric regions and sales organizations for its Access Solutions (AS) business, supported by global functions to secure efficiencies of scale and to capture business synergies in product development, product management, and operations. The corresponding management organization is based on decentralized responsibility where appropriate and therefore rapid decision-making structures situated close to local markets, combined with globally supported operational excellence and organizational efficiency. This helps to keep activities focused on the customer. Further global corporate functions such as Strategy, Finance, Human Resources, IT, and Legal, define and monitor Group-wide standards. The CFO is responsible for the Group’s financial affairs as well as other Corporate functions such as Investor Relations. The Regional Presidents are responsible for sales generation and services within their geography. The CMPO and the CTO focus on productivity and scale with a global R&D and product pipeline able to fulfill local market needs. The COO ensures factory network optimization with lean manufacturing and optimized direct and indirect spend. The President KWS continues to have the entrepreneurial responsibility for this global segment, including product development, production, sales, and services.
EC dormakaba Group as at 30 June 2022

EC members as at 30 June 2022
Name/Position |
Year of birth |
Entry |
Gender |
Nationality |
Jim Heng Lee CEO |
1962 |
2014 |
m |
SG |
Kaspar W. Kelterborn CFO ad interim |
1964 |
2022 |
m |
CH |
Alwin Berninger Chief Marketing & Products Officer |
1969 |
2018 |
m |
DE |
Steve Bewick President Region Europe & Africa |
1966 |
2020 |
m |
GB |
Andreas Häberli Chief Technology Officer |
1968 |
2011 |
m |
CH |
Alex Housten President Region Americas |
1980 |
2020 |
m |
US |
Andy Jones President Region Asia Pacific |
1969 |
2022 |
m |
Mathias Mörtl Chief Operations Officer |
1978 |
2021 |
m |
DE |
Stefano Zocca President Key & Wall Solutions |
1963 |
2011 |
m |
IT |
EC members
The table above gives the name, position, year of birth, date of joining the EC, gender, and nationality of each EC member.
During the financial year 2021/22, the following changes within the EC have been made:
- Mathias Mörtl joined dormakaba on 1 December 2021 as COO and EC member
- Sabrina Soussan stepped down from her role as CEO and as EC member and was succeeded by Jim Heng Lee as of 1 January 2022
- Andy Jones was appointed President Asia Pacific and EC member as of 12 January 2022
- Bernd Brinker stepped down from his role as CFO and as EC member and was succeeded by Kaspar W. Kelterborn as interim CFO as of 1 April 2022.
External mandates
The maximum number of mandates that members of the EC are allowed to take on the governing bodies of legal entities outside dormakaba is regulated in section 27 of the Articles of Incorporation.
Management contracts
Neither dormakaba Holding AG nor its Group companies have entered into any management contracts with third parties.
The compensation policy and all the information relating to the compensation paid to the company’s management bodies are shown in the Compensation Report Sections 22–25 and 28 of the Articles of Incorporation contain rules relating to compensation principles, loans to governing bodies, and AGM votes on compensation.