Capital structure


dormakaba Holding AG’s share capital as of 30 June 2024 is CHF 420,002.60, divided into 4,200,026 fully paid-up registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 0.10 each. As at 30 June 2024, dormakaba Holding AG has a capital range reaching from CHF 378,002.60 (lower limit) to CHF 462,002.60 (upper limit) and conditional capital of a maximum CHF 42,438.40 (corresponding to 10.10% of the share capital) for issuing bonds or similar instruments (up to a maximum of CHF 36,000, divided into 360,000 registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 0.10 each) and for employee participation programs (maximum CHF 6,438.40, divided into 64,384 registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 0.10 each).

The total of new registered shares to be issued from the capital range and conditional share capital, where the subscription or advance subscription rights were restricted or excluded (see below), is limited until 5 October 2028 or until an earlier expiry of the capital range, to 420,000 new registered shares (i.e. to less than 10% of the currently issued share capital).

Conditional capital

The share capital of dormakaba Holding AG may be increased by an amount not exceeding CHF 36,000 by issuing up to 360,000 registered shares, to be fully paid up, with a nominal value of CHF 0.10 each, through the exercise of conversion and/or option rights that have been granted in connection with the issue of bonds or similar instruments by dormakaba Holding AG or a Group company, and/or through the exercise of option rights that have been conferred on shareholders. If bonds or similar instruments are issued in connection with conversion and/or option rights, the subscription rights of existing shareholders are excluded. The right to subscribe to the new registered shares falls to the respective holders of conversion and/or option rights. The purchase of registered shares by exercise of conversion and/or option rights, as well as every subsequent transfer of registered shares, is subject to the restrictions set out in the Articles of Incorporation. The BoD is entitled to limit or abolish the pre-emptive subscription right of shareholders in connection with the issue of bonds or similar instruments with conversion and/or option rights if such instruments are issued for the purpose of financing the acquisition of companies, parts of companies, or equity interests.

In addition, the share capital of dormakaba Holding AG may be increased by no more than CHF 6,438.40 by issuing to employees and BoD members of dormakaba Holding AG and of Group companies no more than 64,384 registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 0.10 each, which must be fully paid up. The subscription rights of existing shareholders to such new shares are excluded. Registered shares or option rights in this respect will be issued to employees or BoD members subject to one or more sets of regulations to be defined by the BoD and taking into account individual performance, function, and level of responsibility. The group of beneficiaries and the principles of allocation are disclosed in the Compensation Report. Said registered shares or option rights may be issued to employees or BoD members at a price below the market price. In connection with the issue of option rights to employees and BoD members, the pre-emptive subscription rights of existing shareholders are excluded. The purchase of shares within the context of employee share ownership schemes and any subsequent transfers of such shares are subject to the restrictions set out in the Articles of Incorporation.

Capital range

The annual general meeting of shareholders (Annual General Meeting/AGM) of 5 October 2023 created a capital range pursuant to article 653s of the Swiss Code of Obligations and authorized the BoD of dormakaba Holding AG to increase or reduce the share capital of the company once or several times within the capital range between CHF 378,002.60 (lower limit) and CHF 462,002.60 (upper limit) until no later than 5 October 2028 or until the earlier expiry of the capital range. The capital increase or reduction may be effected by issuing up to 420,000 fully paid registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 0.10 each or by cancelling up to 420,000 registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 0.10 each, as applicable, or by increasing or reducing the nominal value of the existing registered shares within the limits of the capital range or by simultaneous reduction and re-increase of the share capital. In the event of an issue of registered shares, the subscription to and acquisition of new registered shares and each subsequent transfer of registered shares shall be subject to the restrictions set out in the Articles of Incorporation. In the event of a capital increase within the capital range, the BoD determines, to the extent necessary, the number of new shares, the date of issue, the issue price, the type of contribution, the conditions of exercising subscription rights, and the start date for dividend entitlement. The BoD may issue new shares by having a bank, another financial institution or third party underwrite them all and then making an offer to existing shareholders or third parties (if the subscription rights of the existing shareholders have been withdrawn or have not been duly exercised). The BoD is entitled to permit, restrict or exclude trading with subscription rights. The BoD can let unexercised subscription rights lapse or can take these rights, or the shares for which these rights are granted but not exercised, and place them at market conditions or use them otherwise in the interests of dormakaba Holding AG. In the event of a share issue, the BoD is authorized to cancel or restrict and allocate shareholders’ subscription rights to third parties, to dormakaba Holding AG or a Group company under the conditions or for the reasons or purposes set forth in the Articles of Incorporation (see § 3c – Capital Range).

Changes in capital in the last three financial years

The share capital of dormakaba Holding AG did not change in the last three financial years.

Changes of equity of dormakaba Holding AG within the last three financial years

CHF million
















Share capital








Reserves from capital contributions








Legal reserves








Reserves for treasury shares








Unappropriated retained earnings








Total equity








Shares and non-voting shares (Partizipationsscheine)

Each share entitles the holder to one vote at the General Meeting of dormakaba Holding AG. Voting rights can only be exercised if the shareholder is registered with voting rights in the share register of dormakaba Holding AG. The shares of dormakaba Holding AG are not physical but are issued purely as security rights. They are registered as book-entry securities. Shares carry full dividend rights. There are no outstanding shares with privileged dividend rights or other preferential rights. dormakaba Holding AG has not issued any non-voting shares (Partizipationsscheine).

Profit-sharing certificates (Genussscheine)

dormakaba Holding AG has not issued any profit-sharing certificates (Genussscheine).

Limitations on transferability and nominee registrations

Transfers of shares of dormakaba Holding AG require the approval of the BoD of the company. The Articles of Incorporation do not provide a percentage limit on the number of shares beyond which an acquirer may not be recorded as a shareholder in the share register. Acquirers of shares shall be recorded in the share register as shareholders with voting rights upon request, if such acquirers expressly declare that they have acquired these registered shares in their own name and for their own account, that there is no agreement on the redemption or the return of corresponding shares, and that they bear the economic risk associated with the shares. Art. 685d para. 3 of the Swiss Code of Obligations remains reserved. The BoD will register individual persons who do not expressly declare that they hold the shares for their own account (“nominees”) in the share register with the right to vote provided the nominee has entered into an agreement with the BoD with respect to its position and if the nominee is subject to recognized banking or financial market supervision. Otherwise, such shares held by nominees can be registered in the share register without voting rights.

In the financial year under review, the BoD granted no exemptions from the transfer restrictions.

Cancelling or changing the limitations on the transferability of shares requires a resolution by the General Meeting supported by at least two-thirds of the votes represented. Book-entry securities based on dormakaba Holding AG shares cannot be transferred by assignment, neither can collateral be placed by assignment on these book-entry securities. The transfer of such book-entry securities follows the stipulations of the Federal Intermediated Securities Act.

Convertible bonds and options

Neither dormakaba Holding AG nor any of its Group companies have issued any convertible bonds or warrants that are still outstanding, or any options. This does not include the allocation of shares to employees under the stock award plans, details of which are given in the Compensation Report.