Information policy

This reporting on the financial year 2023/24 and the financial statements as at 30 June 2024 include the Group Management Report with the consolidated financial statements, the financial statements of dormakaba Holding AG, the Corporate Governance Report, the Compensation Report, and the Sustainability Report. All reporting is available only digitally at The HTML format can be printed in PDF format or ordered as a printed copy if required. The share price development, business publications, media releases, and presentations may also be downloaded from Media and analyst conferences or calls take place at least once a year, but usually twice a year. dormakaba typically holds a Capital Market Day at least every second year at which financial analysts and investors can gain a deeper insight into the Group by meeting EC members and management as well as participating in presentations of dormakabaʼs offering. In addition, the CEO, the CFO, and the VP of Global Investor Relations regularly take part in various external investor meetings. dormakaba Holding AG publishes price-sensitive information in accordance with its disclosure obligations under the rules of the SIX Exchange Regulation AG (Listing Rules, article 53, and rules on ad hoc publicity). dormakaba Holding AG informs its shareholders in writing about the course of its business at least every half year. The information on how the business is performing is available at and The notifications, reports, and presentations of dormakaba are not continually updated by the company; the statements and data contained therein are therefore valid as of the relevant date of publication. For those wishing to obtain current information, dormakaba Holding AG recommends that they do not refer solely to past publications. A list of the most important dates in the financial year can be found at

General trading blackout periods

According to dormakabaʼs Insider Trading Directive, members of the BoD and the EC and other employees who have access to material non-public information are designated as Insiders and are banned from trading in dormakaba Holding AG securities and any related financial instruments during general blackout periods. There were no exceptions to this rule in the financial year 2023/24.

dormakabaʼs general blackout periods last from June 15 until (and including) two SIX Swiss Exchange trading days after the publication of dormakabaʼs annual financial statements as well as from December 15 until (and including) two SIX Swiss Exchange trading days after the publication of dormakabaʼs semi-annual financial statements.