Shareholders’ participation rights

Voting rights and proxy voting

At dormakaba Holding AG’s General Meetings, each registered share entitles the owner to one vote. A shareholder may be represented at General Meetings by the independent voting representative, her or his legal representative or, by means of a written power of attorney, by another voting representative who need not be a shareholder.

Majorities required by the Articles of Incorporation

For resolutions covering the following, a majority of at least two-thirds of the votes represented and a majority of the nominal value of shares represented are required:

Otherwise, the General Meeting of dormakaba Holding AG passes its resolutions and decides its elections by a majority of votes cast, irrespective of the number of shareholders present or shares represented. These rules are subject to overriding statutory provisions and § 35 paragraph 4 of the Articles of Incorporation.

Convocation of the General Meeting of Shareholders and agenda

General Meetings are convened as stipulated by law. The BoD of dormakaba Holding AG is obliged to include items on the agenda of the General Meeting if these items are requested by shareholders who together represent at least 0.5% of the share capital, and if the request is made in writing at least fourty-five days before the General Meeting, stating the agenda items and the motions.

Entries in the share register/invitation to the Annual General Meeting of 10 October 2024

Only shareholders entered in the share register with voting rights by 2 October 2024 will be entitled to vote at the AGM of 10 October 2024. They will receive the invitation to the AGM together with the motions of the BoD. Once they have sent back the response form, they will receive their entry ticket and voting material. Shareholders who sell their shares before the AGM are no longer entitled to vote. If they sell some of their shares, or buy more, they should swap their entry ticket at the information desk on the day of the AGM. No entries will be made in the share register from 3 October to 10 October 2024. All information about the AGM 2024 can be found online.